Dr. Rajeshwari Basavanna

Consultant - Transfusion Medicine


Dr. Anand S. Deshpande

Consultant - Transfusion Medicine


Blood Centre

The P. D. Hinduja Hospital Blood Centre is one among the few Blood Centres in the private sector which has the approval of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for preparing and issuing Blood Components to patients. Providing "safe blood" to the patients is the main aim of our Blood Centre. To ensure this, blood is collected only from healthy friends and relatives of patients who volunteer to do so.

A strict screening is carried out to exclude professional donors from donating blood units thus guaranteeing safety and quality. Further, all units of blood are screened for HIV antibodies HBsAg, HCV antibody, VDRL, etc. 90% of the blood collected is separated into various components such as packed RBC, platelets, cryoprecipitate and plasma.

Thus the patient is given only the component he/she is deficient in, thereby avoiding the side effects of whole blood transfusion. All types of blood components are available round-the-clock in the Blood Centre. Availability of machines such as Cell Separator allows us to harvest specific blood components in pure form & in large quantities from a 'single' donor.

The quality of blood components is closely monitored to ensure efficacy & safety. We carry out a large number of 'apheresis' procedures using the latest Cobe Spectra cell separator, in adults as well as in children. Apart from platelet apheresis which is done routinely, Therapeutic plasma exchange is also carried out in a variety of disorders like Hemolytic-Uraemic- Syndrome, Myaesthenia Gravis and Gullain-Barre Syndrome. We are also amongst one of the few centres carrying out Peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC) collection and cryopreservation.


  • Red cell antibody screening & identification
  • RH-KELL phenotype
  • Red cell antigen Studies other than RH-KELL
  • Red cell antibody elution studies
  • Inline leucodepleted Red blood cell component

New Test

  • HLA DSA cross-match

Blood Irradiator – Blood irradiators are used in transfusion medicine for convenient and effective irradiation of blood, blood components and transplants
NAT Blood Testing - NAT Blood Testing significantly reduces the window period for detecting HIV, Hepatitis B & C; thus reducing the spread of these diseases through blood transfusions.

Blood Bank : 022 2444 7752